I admit it. I was wrong, and sometimes that's awesome. The unexpected happens, and admitting I'm wrong is a blessing.
Last month, I wrote my blog post about my Camellia not blooming. Now, it has been a really cold winter in the Deep South. We had sustained lows in the single digits. So when my Camellia didn't bloom at the usual time, I thought the blooms had frozen. The blooms looked like they had frozen, and were falling off. It was a really sad time, because the Camellia blooming is an event we really look forward to.
So, I was walking out in the yard the other day in between rain showers and I saw a flash of pink. One single magnificent Camellia bloom. But as I got closer, the whole shrub was covered in buds. A miracle! Soon to be lots of blooms! I find myself out there every day, looking at the blooms. Seeing what's new. What's changed. They are so beautiful, that I'm just in awe. The color is an unbelievable hot magenta. I can't look away. I know you're going to think I'm crazy, but I want to set up some bleachers in front of that Camellia bush and sit there like it's the Super Bowl. Watching my blooms, wrapped in a blanket with some popcorn and hot chocolate. Is anybody with me? I feel like a supernatural miracle has happened in my yard and I don't want to miss one second of it.
That's the love of gardening. The miracle of a nature that we really don't control and that can surprise us with beauty we can't fathom. We just want to soak it up. Drink it in.
I was wrong... and I am so thankful I get to say that.